At the graduation of students of the University may receive the European Diploma Supplement. The Diploma Supplement is a bilingual (made in Russian and English). The Diploma Supplement is a response to these challenges, aiding mobility and access to lifelong learning opportunities.
It promotes transparency in higher education and fair and informed judgements about qualifications. It also accommodates rapid changes in qualifications.
National higher education institutions produce the supplement according to a template jointly developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO. It has eight sections of information identifying the holder of the qualification, the qualification, its level and function, the contents and results gained, certification of the supplement, details of the national higher education system plus any additional information.
A description of the national higher education system within which the individual named on the original qualification graduated has to be attached to the Diploma Supplement.
The 48 European countries taking part in the Bologna Process have agreed that each graduate in their respective country should receive the Diploma Supplement automatically, free of charge and in a major European language.